The town is situated between Siklós, Egerág and Pécsdevecser, and 20 km from Pécs. KisHerend and the surrounding area has been inhabited since ancient times, evidence can be found in large numbers from Roman times as well. Herend (KisHerend) the name first mentioned in 1282 in the charters. In 1330 the name was written as Herend, and was owned by Nicholas Ormándi, but as his successor was not born here, in 1289 his estate was left to his in-law Stephen Deniper. The town was deserted during the Turkish occupation and then was populated by Hungarians again in the 1700s. Later however, some German families settled here. Current number of inhabitants 208 inhabitants. The village consists of 80 houses, many of which bears the distinctive features of vernacular architecture of the region. Popul. of 184.